What is Applet in Siebel???
- occupies a section of a web page and act as a place holder for all the user interaction to the application
- a list or form applet (or a specialized applet type such as chart applet, web applet, tree applet, or file attachment applet) to be included in view
- is responsible for displaying the data to the user and contains the control or list column layout information
- plays main role and allows user to view, enter, modify and navigate the data
- composed of controls, such as buttons, fields, check boxes, and other types of controls, such as buttons that call a method or an ActiveX control
- applets are get data/information from single business component
for example...
in above sample screenshot...
- web page view occupies two applets (list and form applet)
- allows user to view/enter/modify more records with short info in list applet and more info about single record in form applet
- applets also provide buttons like, Menu/New/Query/Delete/Next-Previous Icon/Show More/Show Less for user to modify or navigate data
- both the applets are pointed to a business component (either same or different)
in coming pages we are going to see more about...
- Applet Types
- Applet Properties
- Applet Browser Script
- Applet Server Script
- Applet Message
- Applet Toggle
- Applet User Property
- Controls
- Drilldown Object
- List/List Column
- Trees
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