Applet Properties

Applet Properties are used to describe the structure and functionality of an applet. Using applet properties we can restrict certain functionality from user in UI and can filter records to provide precise details in UI end. These properties are provided at the time of applet creation and we can also change certain property values in existing applets. The properties are...

  • specifies the name of the applet
  • must be unique and this Name property used as reference to describe everywhere the applet used
  • spaces are allowed between names


  • this property is a reference id and used to identify wherever the applet is used
  • below are some expectations(not must) in naming applet
    • expected to maintain upper case in every starting letter in the words which are in applet name
    • expected to ignore special characters
    • expected to maintain the type of applet at the end of name, for e.g., Account List Applet
    • expected to name the applet, to explain the functionality it derives for e.g., Service Request Detail Applet
    • expected to add Project/Organization name in short form at the beginning in customized applets, for e.g., SNK Account List Applet

  • specifies the type of the applet


  • used to create a particular type of applet in Siebel

Business Component...
  • specifies the name of the business component
  • base provider for data that applet displays on application
  • view (that uses an applet) references a business object, so this business object must include the business component as reference


  • data for applet comes from the business component mentioned in this property
  • this business component can be simple business component (pointing to Siebel table) or external business component (pointing to external database table/view) or virtual business component (pulls data from other databases through web service)

  • specifies the name of a C++ class that Siebel CRM uses to manage the applet


Search Specification...
  • specifies a conditional expression that Siebel CRM uses to restrict the records it gets from the business component that the applet references
  • for e.g., [Service Flag] = 'Y', applies filter on the data which are pulled from business component and only displays records which holds Service Flag field value as 'Y'


  • this property is optional and can provide valid expression to apply filter on data
  • search specification in applet is combined as "AND" condition with search specification in business component and applied on the data
  • advised to provide search specification on one applet in list-form applet view if both applets pointing to same business component, if not then there might be chances that both condition applies and retruns null value to UI end

Associate Applet...


HTML Number of Rows...
  • specifies the number of rows that Siebel CRM displays in a list applet
  • initially has null value, we can provide an integer value as line count, depends on business requirement


  • if it is empty, then Siebel CRM uses the value of the NumberOfListRows parameter in the application configuration file
  • if in the configuration file the NumberOfListRows parameter is also not specified, then Siebel CRM sets the default value to 10, in some versions the default value is 7

No Delete...
  • specifies whether user is allowed/restricted to delete a record which is displayed in the applet


No Insert...
  • specifies whether user can allow/restrict to insert a record in the applet


No Merge...
  • specifies whether user can allow/restrict to merge a record in the applet


No Update...
  • specifies whether user can allow/restrict to update a record in the applet


  • specifies if a Siebel VB or Siebel eScript script is attached to the applet
  • includes value as True (script attached) or False (no script attached)


  • default value for this property is "False" (obviously no custom script added on newly created applet ☺)
  • this property generates "True" as value automatically when any script is added on applet browser/server script area

Auto Query Mode...
  • describes the mode of the applet when it get loaded in a view
  • includes value as New Query (displays the applet in Query mode) or Refine Query (uses existing search specifications/predefined queries)


  • value "New Query" eliminates search specifications which is mentioned on business component/applet and PDQs, displays applet in query mode when the page loads - useful property value in improving application performance

Default Applet Method...
  • specifies the method that runs if the user presses the Enter key in the applet


Disable Dataloss Warning...
  • specifies to show/hide the data loss warning at the applet level
  • includes value as True (disables data loss warning) or False (enables data loss warning)

