CRM Fundamentals & CRM Challenges

What are Fundamentals of CRM...
CRM tools make the customer-facing functions of business easier. They help:
  • Centralize customer information
  • Automate marketing interactions
  • Provide business intelligence
  • Facilitate communications
  • Track sales opportunities
  • Analyze data
  • Enable responsive customer service

What are CRM Challenges...

when CRM functionalities not properly defined

leads to difficult in accessing CRM application and providing support to Customer request

when Customer/Product data are not well-connected/organized

leads to difficult in analyzing/improvising Company's Sale and Marketing

when systems has duplicate or outdated information

leads to reduce Customer satisfaction due to long waiting times during raising request in phone call/walk-in

when existing/incomplete data which are captured before CRM installation, are not cleaned properly

leads to difficult in identification of duplicate data and in connectivity between data

to overcome all these difficulties, it is mandatory to cleaned up existing data immediately after CRM installation and needs to properly manage CRM to organize all functionalities to make all data well-defined
