Link Properties are...
- specifies the name for the link
- can contain spaces and must be unique among links
- this name property act as reference that wherever the link has been used
- naming format for link is: parent business component name/child business component name
Parent Business Component
- specifies the name of the business component who act as a parent and determines the child business component records
- for example, in Account-Activities view, Account business component acts as parent and determines the display of Activities record
Child Business Component
- specifies the name of the business component who act as a child object in master-detail view
- provides relevant records of Parent Business Component
Source Field
- specifies the name of a field in the parent business component
- Siebel CRM uses this property to link to the child business component
- this source field should be unique field in parent business component
- default value for the Source Field property is Id
Destination Field
- specifies the name of a field in the child business component
- Siebel CRM uses this field value to logically join to the parent business component
- default value for the Destination Field property is Id
- this property required a field name for a 1:M link
Inter Table
- specifies the name of the intersection table
- this property is required for a M:M link
- case-sensitive and need to provide the same table name as it provided in Siebel database
Inter Parent Column
- specifies the name of a column in the intersection table that links this table to the parent business component
- like Inter Table property, Inter Parent Column is case-sensitive and required for a M:M link
Inter Child Column
- specifies the name of a column in the intersection table that links this table to the child business component
- like Inter Table property, Inter Child Column is case-sensitive and required for a M:M link
Inter Child Delete
- determines whether to delete/not to delete the child record when the association deletes
- TRUE - deletes both association and child record and FALSE - deletes only the association for the child record
- recommended to be FALSE in M:M link
Primary Id Field
- specifies the name of the field that from parent business component and it holds the row id reference value from child business component
- for e.g., in Account/Address view, an account can have more than one address and Primary Address Id field in Account (parent) business component holds row id of primary Address (child) business component. so the link between Account/Address has Primary Id Field property value is: Primary Address Id
Cascade Delete
- holds "Clear/Delete/None" value which determines the action need to be taken on child business component when the parent business component record get delete
- Clear - removes the foreign key reference on child records
- Delete - deletes the child record
- None - performs no operations on the child record
Search Specification
- specifies an expression that Siebel CRM uses to filter the records it gets
- if link is active in a view, then it applies this filter to the child business component records
- for example, in Account/Activities view, we can use this search specification property to display only Open Activity list for an account
Association Link Sort Spec
- specifies an expression/field names that Siebel CRM uses in an association list to order the records
- for e.g.,
- case#1 Last Name
- case#2 Record Id (ASCENDING) Date (DESCENDING)
No Associate
- holds "TRUE/FALSE" that determines whether user can create a new association through link or not
- for the TRUE value, allows to create new record on child business component and Siebel restricts record association in M:M link
- can specify this property only for a M:M link
- if the current view uses Admin Mode, then Siebel CRM ignores this property
No Delete
- holds TRUE/FALSE to determine whether to delete child records using the link or not
- value TRUE restricts delete option for child records, whereas FALSE enables the option
No Inter Delete
- like No Delete property, holds TRUE/FALSE to determine whether to delete intersection table record or not
- value TRUE restricts delete in intersection table, whereas FALSE enable delete in intersection table whenever a parent/child record gets delete
No Insert
- holds "TRUE/FALSE" value to determine whether user can insert new record in child business component or not
- value TRUE restricts the new record insertion whereas FALSE allows the insertion
No Update
- holds "TRUE/FALSE" that determines whether user can update in child business component records or not
- value TRUE restricts the update whereas FALSE allows to update existing records
Visibility Auto All
- determines whether Visibility Type property of link can apply on child record or not
- value TRUE, then user can view all records whereas False applies Visibility Type on child records
Visibility Type
- determines the access control mechanism that is applied to the child business component
- values can be one among of All/Personal/Sales Rep/Manager/Organization/Sub-Organization/Group/Catalog
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