View-Level Access Control

What is View-Level Access Control???

  • Access Control at View-Level is all about, allowing users/employees in an organization to access only the assigned views/web pages
  • In Siebel CRM, this process can be achieved with the help of Responsibility, View and Employee Objects


a screen is a collection of views which provides application functionality access to the users and this view access is controlled by the responsibilities which are assigned to the user

for example...

Let consider we are going to buy a bike in a showroom. when we enter into the showroom, we can able to see some people welcomes us and provides the detail and features about bike models, and some people where collecting details from customer to sell bike and some people preparing invoices/receipts for sold bikes and even we can see some people where collecting the receipts copy and delivering the bikes to the customer. So from this example we can say, each employee in a showroom or in a company or in a organization has different job roles and in Siebel, each of these roles are called responsibilities. With these responsibilities we can restrict this user navigation in Siebel.


in Siebel, each responsibility is associated with one or more views, which represent data and functionality needed for a job role

for example...

from the above example we could say responsibilities represents job roles of the employees, in Siebel application there might be needed more than one view to perform a one particular task or job. So it is necessary to associate the appropriate views with the appropriate responsibilities, and associate appropriate responsibilities with appropriate employee. Views in Siebel application, means a web page from the end-user point.

If in case a particular view or web page in a job/task is not added with the responsibility or the responsibility is not assigned with the employee, then the employee could not able to view the particular web page in the job/task and could not able to complete his/her job


each employee in a showroom or in a company or in a organization, must be assigned at least one responsibility to access the Siebel application

for example...

If in case, an employee does not associated with any responsibility then he/she could not able to access to any functionality in Siebel application, which means the employee does not have access to any of the views in a screen, hence the screen's listing in the Site Map and screen tab are not get displayed to the employee

an employee/user can have one or more responsibilities and the employee has access to all the views in the union of all the responsibilities assigned

for example...

from the above example, one employee can handle more than one job/task in the showroom, in this case in Siebel application we can assign more than one responsibility to the employee, hence the employee can able to view all the web pages which are associated with the assigned responsibilities
